Hello and Welcome...

Here you'll find a collection of conversations with some very interesting minds, including (but not limited to) the following:

Burton Richter___ Stanford
__"What is the Universe made of?"(NOBEL PRIZE)
Dudley Herschbach
_Harvard ___"How is 'Nature' defined?" (NOBEL PRIZE)
Roy Glauber
___ Harvard ___"What constitutes 'Information'?"(NOBEL PRIZE)
Martin Perl
____ Stanford __"What defines 'Complexity'?"(NOBEL PRIZE)
Lisa Randall _
____ Harvard ______"How do 'Universal Forces' originate?"
Max Tegmark
____ M.I.T. _______"What was before the Universe?"
Avi Loeb
________ Harvard ______"How can we look back in time?"
Peter Woit
_______Columbia _____"What isn't Universe?"
Alexander Vilenkin
_ Tufts________ "Do parallel universes' exist?"
Barry Mazur
______ Harvard ______"How do numbers apply to the Universe?"
Curtis McMullen
_ Harvard __ "How is 'Randomness' defined?" (FIELDS MEDAL)

Susumu Tonegawa
__M.I.T. _____ "How did 'Life' first begin?" (NOBEL PRIZE)
Arthur Kornberg
__ Stanford _ "Can life be seen as chemistry?" (NOBEL PRIZE)
James Hanken
_____Harvard _____ "How many types of life are there?"
Richard Losick
_____Harvard _____ "What are the smallest living things?"
Matthew Scott
_____ Stanford _____ "What traits do living things share?"
Deborah Gordon
____Stanford _____ "How does life pattern itself?"
Lucy Shapiro
______ Stanford _____ "Can the smallest life forms think?"
Francisco Ayala
____ UC Irvine _____ "Why is 'Evolution' daunting?"
David Haig
______ Harvard _____ "Do genes truly compete?"
Martin Nowak
_____ Harvard _____ "Does cooperation promote life?"
Andrew Knoll
_____ Harvard _____ "How fragile is Earth-based life?"

Steven Pinker
______Harvard _____ "How did 'Language' evolve?"
Eric Kandel
______ Columbia _____ "What defines 'Memory'?" (NOBEL PRIZE)
Mahzarin Banaji
____Harvard _____ "Do our minds purposely deceive us?"
Mike Merzenich
____ UCSF _____ "Can we strengthen our brains?"
Carol Dweck
______ Stanford _____ "What is the 'Growth Mind Set'?"
Mark Bear
________ M.I.T. _____ "Why does memory matter?"
Steve Kosslyn
_____ Harvard _____ "How do we visualize ideas?"
Earl Miller
_______ M.I.T. _____ "Where do thoughts originate?"
Howard Gardner
___ Harvard _____ "What is 'Multiple Intelligence'?"
Rebecca Goldstein
__ Radcliffe _____ "What constitutes a 'Big Idea'?"
Bill Mobley
_______ Stanford _____ "When does information break down?"
Marc Hauser
_____ Harvard _____ "Can 'Morality' be quantified?"

Noam Chomsky
___ M.I.T. _____ "What are 'Power Systems'?"
Donald Kennedy
___ Science Journal __ "Where does 'Science' meet 'Society'?"
Alan Dershowitz
___ Harvard _____ "What is 'Law'?"
Kenneth Arrow
____ Stanford __"What is 'Economics'?" (NOBEL PRIZE)
Edmund Phelps
_ Columbia "Can we see patterns in civilization?" (NOBEL PRIZE)
Abbas Milani
______Stanford _____ "What is a 'Political Revolution'?"
Fred Von Loehman
__ EFF _____ "How did the Internet begin?"
James Surowiecki
__ NY Times _____ "What is 'Collective Intelligence'?"
Dalton Conley
_____ NYU _____ "What is 'Free Will'?"
Elizabeth Warren
___Harvard _____ "When do financial systems fail?"
Herbert Kelman
____ Harvard _____ "What is 'Effective Conflict Resolution'?"
Michael Jackson
____Harvard _____ "What is 'Saving vs. Understanding'?"
Larry Diamond
____ Stanford _____ "What defines 'Democracy'?"
Iara Peng
________ People for American Way "Is democracy important'?"
Marc Feldman
_____ Stanford _____ "How do populations 'drift'?"
Terry Karl
________ Stanford _____ "What defines 'Human Rights'?"
David Perkins
_____ Harvard _____ "Is civilization truly advancing?"

W.H.K. Panofsky
____SLAC _____ "Will 'Nukes' end human existence?"
Harry Lewis
___ ____Harvard _____ "How is information changing?"
Gilberto Gil
____ ___ Brazil _____ "What defines 'Globalization'?"
Mac Maharaj
__ __ South Africa ___ "What is the 'Knowledge Revolution'?"
John Perry Barlow
__ EFF _____ "Where does 'mind' begin and end?"
Michael Oppenheimer
Princeton"What defines 'Environment'?"(NOBEL PR.- IFCC)
George Church
_____ Harvard _____ "What is 'Personal Genomics'?"
Lene Hau
_________ Harvard _____ "Can light be controlled?"
Sara Seager
___ ____ M.I.T. _____ "Will other life be discovered?"
Neil Gershenfeld
____ M.I.T. __ "What is the 'Digital Fabrication Revolution'?"
Rodney Brooks
_____ M.I.T. _____ "Will man and machine merge?"
Rudolph Jaenisch
___Whitehead _____ "What will replace stem cells?"
Steve Schneider
Stanford How can the climate debate change?" (NOBEL PR.- IFCC)
Terry Root Stanford__"What is the 'natural world'?"_
Pardis Sabeti__ ____ Harvard _____ "What 'Human Puzzles' remain?
John Hennessy
_____Stanford _____ "What is the future of education?"
Rosalind Picard
_____M.I.T. _____ "Can technology 'feel'?
Seth Lloyd
________ M.I.T. _____ "What is technology's 'vanishing point'?"

UTP - Teaser 3: "You Can Change Your Brain, Yourself"

UTP - "Re-Wire (Re:Mind)" Pilot Teaser

Recently 13 of the countries premier neuroscientists committed to participating in a the Untitled Thinkers Project's pilot series on the brain. Here's a beta sample of the artistic style of the series.

Stayed tuned...

Conversation #1. Education, Power Systems & The Knowledge Revolution.

John Hennessy, President of Stanford University.
On the Future of Education.

Noam Chomsky,
Linguist/Political Activist, M.I.T.
On Power Systems.

Mac Maharaj, Advisor to Nelson Mandela and Anti-Apartheid revolutionary.
On Globalization and the Knowledge Revolution.

1. What is the function of a human?

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Sathyandranath Ragunanan "Mac" Maharaj began his political career as a freedom fighter taking on South Africa's Anti-Apartheid regime. He spent twelve years imprisoned on Robbin Island with Nelson Mandela, during which time he secretly transcribed Mandela's memoir "A Long Walk to Freedom", before smuggling it off the island. Following his release he continued his fight against Apartheid commanding Operation Vula. Later he would help negotiate South Africa's transition to their first ever democratic elections, before finally being made Minister of Transport under the newly elected Mandela.
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2. What is the function of civilization?

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Meet John Hennessy

John Hennessy arrived to a "pre-internet" Stanford in 1977, initially serving as faculty in what was at that time a newly emerging field of computer science. In the years to follow he would both witness and directly participate in Stanford and the greater Silicon Valley's role as catalyst of the global technological revolution. A revolution which he notes really took off with the development of the integrated circuit. In 1999 he was appointed to succeed Condoleeza Rice as University Provost, before then being named President of Stanford in 2000.
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3. How would you describe the interaction of self-interest and mutual-interest?

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Avram Noam Chomsky is regarded in much of the academic world as the father of modern linguistics, transforming it during the course of his research at M.I.T. from an obscure discipline into a major social science. Central to this accomplishment was Chomsky's development of his theory regarding universal language. He laid the foundation for this theory in Syntactic Structures, a book which many computer scientists have since noted as being heavily influential towards their development of code. Today Chomsky lectures worldwide and has become quite known for his political activism.

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4. How would you describe the concept of money?

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5. What patterns have you noticed over the course of your career?

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6. What do you hope for?

_____ ___________ ________

Noam Chomsky
-on the struggle for rights and gradual reduction of power systems.

Mac Maharaj
-on dealing with fear in a rapidly changing world.

John Hennessy
-a neat story on the origins of Stanford University.


Nobel Laureate Arthur Kornberg : 1918-2007

I had the great pleasure of sitting with Arthur for his last living interview.

He described his work as an American biochemist who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology/ Medicine in 1959 for his discovery of "the mechanisms in the biological synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)".

Here he gives a wonderful description of "Life" as chemistry is motion.